Welcome to my blog. My name is Catherine, I'm 60 something and I live in Oakville, Ontario. I began sewing at an early age. In fact, when I learned to sew, it was considered very cool and creative.
Not being one to follow a trend, I started my sewing business while many were giving up. With over 20 years' experience working in marketing and communication, I suppose I should know better.
I continue to pursue this craft because all the reasons that people have given it up for don't appear to apply to me: (a) not enough time, (b) it's cheaper to buy than to sew and (c) fitting garments is too difficult.
These posts are my rants (Rick Mercer style) about current events. This is not "my happy sewing place". This post will give you a lot of insight into my philosophies about my business and life (http://distinctivesewingsupplies.blogspot.com/2010/09/richard-cosmos-wise-rag-dealers.html).
I hope you will sign up to follow my blog and add to the conversation with your comments.