Saturday, January 29, 2011

Am I caught in a time warp? No sewing allowed.

I subscribe to many newsletter feeds in order to keep up with what's going on in the world today. One of the feeds is Workopolis. I'm not job hunting but interested. Lately I have been disappointed with all the career advice being given, specifically directed to women:

More candidates having plastic surgery to get the job.

The career mistakes women make.  Apparently you have to be "ballsy". Advice on how to interact with others, ensuring that you eliminate all feminine traits unless you have a job in a "petting zoo".

Women too nice to get jobs.  Being communal in academia is a "no-no".

Who writes this stuff? Is this 2011 or 1980 when it was ok for your boss to chase you around your desk, at least legally. Yes, times are tough and the economy is recovering too slowly for some of us. But has anyone considered that just maybe all those tough as nails, old boy traits got us into this mess in the first place. The underlying message is act like a man and be very attractive, and maybe, just maybe, you will be accepted enough to work here. But please park your annoying femininity at the door (except for the attractiveness) because it's not welcomed here.

Monday, January 10, 2011

UBS dress code for bankers a big hit online

UBS dress code for bankers a big hit online

The Vancouver Sun had some fun with the UBS dress code.

Dress codes, dress to impress, dress for success and so on...

The following articles appeared in the news late last year. I felt compelled to write about the dress code that inspired them.

Dress to impress UBS tells staff - The Wall Street Journal
UBS dress code:  no thongs or stubble - Sox First
UBS dress to impress Swiss retail clients - Reuters
UBS dress code scrutinizes staff's underwear - BBC News

A major bank that has suffered financial setbacks is trying to regain the confidence of its customers. So it issues a 52 page dress code to its front line employees. Apparently this significant initiative was sanctioned at the highest levels.
This looks like window dressing and that the organization would be better to focus their efforts on ethics, stability and regulations. And they probably are, but this dress code, in my opinion, is just wrong.
It is unlikely that any of these front line employees did anything to cause the bank its financial crisis or reputation loss.
I have yet to hear a news story about front line employee hygiene or dress causing financial crisis or reputation loss.
It must be insulting to these people to be told, down to the length of their nails and colour of their underwear, what to do.
It would appear that the management would like to assure the employees of the benefits of following the code:
“Light makeup consisting of foundation, mascara and discreet lipstick … will enhance your personality,” the code says, while advising women not to wear black nail polish and nail art.
The hair-care section notes studies have shown that properly cared-for hair and a stylish haircut “increase an individual’s popularity.”
I mean, who doesn’t want to improve their personality and popularity? Especially with management.
The code goes on to give advice on colour, fit and washability of underwear. "Your underwear should be functional, and shouldn't be visible through your clothes, nor should anyone be able to guess what's under them."  As if we wouldn’t know?
You've likely heard Pierre Trudeau's famous quote: "The state has no place in the bedrooms of the nation.” So I'm wondering why a bank thinks it has any business in the underwear drawers of their employees?
Nobody is suggesting that good hygiene and grooming aren’t important. But to make everyone into a corporate drone goes too far. Some of the best (worst) white collar crime was created by well-dressed people in expensive suits. They used “the corporate uniform” to dupe people into parting with their savings, take unwarranted risks or trust them with their investments. This dress code has no place in the 21st century. People should be able to dress in a way that expresses their personality as appropriate to their work environment. I’m confident that the majority of employees can figure it out for themselves.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Some Thoughts about Shirts and Shirtmaking

At the 2011 spring Creativ Festival Distinctive Sewing Supplies will feature a fashion and trunk show focusing on the tailored shirt. This show is for anyone who wants to learn more about sewing stylish shirts for people of all ages and tastes.

The tailored shirt is a staple and perennial favourite of major fashion designers worldwide. Certainly most men have a tailored shirt in their wardrobe and many women as well. So why don't people sew more of them?  Some of us think of the shirt as perhaps too difficult or too plain to bother sewing. An oversight like that may be preventing some people from trying their hand at shirtmaking. Once the techniques of shirtmaking are mastered, they become surprisingly easy and satisfying garments to sew.

What constitutes a "tailored" shirt? I've given this a lot of thought and for me it comes down to certain components:

- collar stand
- collar
- yoke
- cuff
- front placket
- sleeve placket
- breast pocket

Buttons or snaps also play an important role in the tailored shirt. Usually the front is buttoned, and cuffs are buttoned or support cuff links. Sleeve plackets may have a button and some shirts feature a button down collar and/or buttoned breast pockets.  Shirts may also have top-stitching detail and/or flat-felled seams. Hems may be curved at the sides or have side slits and may be designed for tucking in or wearing out. Set-in sleeves may be long or short.

Any combination of these components can be used to create stylish shirts to suit the taste of the wearer. Interesting fashion fabric and details make for infinite possibilities. And sewing the garment yourself means that the shirt can be custom fit to the wearer, something not usually possible with ready-to-wear.

There are three ways you can learn to sew professional looking shirts using techniques from the ready-to-wear garment industry:

1. Attend the Islander Sewing Systems Industrial Shortcuts course May 2 to 5, 2011, in Highland MI.  Click here for details.

2. Teach yourself using the Islander Sewing Systems books and DVDs. You will need the Islander Sewing Systems Industrial Sewing Techniques for Home Sewing book or DVD and the Shirts, etc. DVD. Click here for details.

3. Attend the Shirtmaking Magic! course June 1 and 2, 2011 in Oakville, ON.  Click here to register.

 For more information email

The Perfect Pant--Guaranteed! - Class is almost full.

This has been a popular class. It is almost full with only one spot left. I will start a waiting list in case someone has to cancel, but also to determine if there is enough interest to run the course again later in the year or next year perhaps. Email for information or to be added to the wait list.